May 10, 2024

How BBG increased the number of tracked conversions by 20%

Multi brand e-commerce • Germany and Europe • • •

The challenge

The Berlin Brands Group (BBG) is an internationally operating e-commerce company in the direct-to-consumer sector that unites a couple of  own brands such as Klarstein, Auna, Electronic-star and Blumfeldt from the home & living, consumer electronics, sound & light and sports sectors under one roof. 

BBG works with Dognet, an affiliate marketing partner, to get more people to visit their website. It's important to keep track of this affiliate traffic so that BBG can pay the promoters of their brand fairly.

Before using the SGTM Dognet template, BBG had problems, especially with tracking affiliate traffic effectively. This was because we couldn't see Dognet conversions when users didn't agree to cookies. As a result, some conversions couldn't be recognized as coming from Dognet affiliate partners.

The approach

The SGTM Dognet custom template has significantly improved BBG's affiliate marketing approach, offering a versatile framework that seamlessly operates in various modes. Its streamlined integration process eliminates the need for extra frontend code, resulting in faster and lighter frontend operations. With unified configuration settings and potential overrides by front-end Google Tag Managers, the template provides flexibility and efficient management. The stealthy operation ensures a seamless user experience, securely storing Affiliate Visitor Ids in a Firestore database, free from Dognet-exclusive cookies, bolstering privacy and security with personally identifiable information (PII) structures.

Partnering with Optimics

Optimics are experts in the field of digital enterprise analytics, AdTech platforms, marketing automation, attribution, data privacy, cloud usage for marketing and product purposes, data visualization

The results

Privacy is safe with hashing of first-party Affiliate Visitor Ids in a Firestore database, free from reliance on Dognet-exclusive cookies.. This tracked the affiliate  conversions that otherwise wouldn’t have been measured while keeping in mind the  user consent level.. 
“The Optimics template has significantly improved BBG's affiliate marketing approach”


Increase Affiliate marketing

tracked results


Domains with Dognet

Affiliate tracking

*Results achieved during the period January to March 2024. 

About Google Marketing Platform: Google Marketing Platform is a unified advertising and analytics platform that helps enterprise marketers make better decisions faster. With Google Marketing Platform, you’re in control of every campaign, so you have the flexibility to adapt to the needs of your business and your customers. Learn more at

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